Desktop Windtunnel - YouTube

Ocaml stuff

Cameras and Lenses – Bartosz Ciechanowski

This post led me to Bartosz’s Float Exposed and Exposing Floating Point – Bartosz Ciechanowski. Meanwhile, these led me to the secret life of NaN and an Interview with the Old Man of Floating-Point. Floating-point is fascinating, really.

Knife Steel Nerds - Metallurgy and Testing of Knives and Steel

Stats / Gelman

What are the most important statistical ideas of the past 50 years? « Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science

Bayesian workflow

The Bayesian approach to data analysis provides a powerful way to handle uncertainty in all observations, model parameters, and model structure using probability theory. Probabilistic programming languages make it easier to specify and fit Bayesian models, but this still leaves us with many options regarding constructing, evaluating, and using these models, along with many remaining challenges in computation. Using Bayesian inference to solve real-world problems requires not only statistical skills, subject matter knowledge, and programming, but also awareness of the decisions made in the process of data analysis. All of these aspects can be understood as part of a tangled workflow of applied Bayesian statistics. Beyond inference, the workflow also includes iterative model building, model checking, validation and troubleshooting of computational problems, model understanding, and model comparison. We review all these aspects of workflow in the context of several examples, keeping in mind that in practice we will be fitting many models for any given problem, even if only a subset of them will ultimately be relevant for our conclusions.

The Relevance of Classic Fuzz Testing: Have We Solved This One?

As fuzz testing has passed its 30th anniversary, and in the face of the incredible progress in fuzz testing techniques and tools, the question arises if the classic, basic fuzz technique is still useful and applicable? In that tradition, we have updated the basic fuzz tools and testing scripts and applied them to a large collection of Unix utilities on Linux, FreeBSD, and MacOS. As before, our failure criteria was whether the program crashed or hung. We found that 9 crash or hang out of 74 utilities on Linux, 15 out of 78 utilities on FreeBSD, and 12 out of 76 utilities on MacOS. A total of 24 different utilities failed across the three platforms. We note that these failure rates are somewhat higher than our in previous 1995, 2000, and 2006 studies of the reliability of command line utilities. In the basic fuzz tradition, we debugged each failed utility and categorized the causes the failures. Classic categories of failures, such as pointer and array errors and not checking return codes, were still broadly present in the current results. In addition, we found a couple of new categories of failures appearing. We present examples of these failures to illustrate the programming practices that allowed them to happen. As a side note, we tested the limited number of utilities available in a modern programming language (Rust) and found them to be of no better reliability than the standard ones.

Mastering Atari with Discrete World Models

Intelligent agents need to generalize from past experience to achieve goals in complex environments. World models facilitate such generalization and allow learning behaviors from imagined outcomes to increase sample-efficiency. While learning world models from image inputs has recently become feasible for some tasks, modeling Atari games accurately enough to derive successful behaviors has remained an open challenge for many years. We introduce DreamerV2, a reinforcement learning agent that learns behaviors purely from predictions in the compact latent space of a powerful world model. The world model uses discrete representations and is trained separately from the policy. DreamerV2 constitutes the first agent that achieves human-level performance on the Atari benchmark of 55 tasks by learning behaviors inside a separately trained world model. With the same computational budget and wall-clock time, DreamerV2 reaches 200M frames and exceeds the final performance of the top single-GPU agents IQN and Rainbow.

Brain Training Habits Are Not Associated With Generalized Benefits to Cognition: An Online Study of Over 1000 “Brain Trainers”

Profiling a warehouse-scale computer

Who do we spend time with across our lifetime? - Our World in Data

Molten Salt Loop 40 Liter: Industrial & Scientific

You can buy a molten salt nuclear reactor on Amazon! Only $4.49 shipping!

The only thing better than a pinhole camera is a pinhole camera with multiple holes

Interesting Hacker News rabbit hole.

… Even cooler, if you happen to arrange the holes in a specific pattern you could capture images with different combinations of perspectives from different holes and you may even undo the overlaps. This is called coded aperture imaging: This doesn’t just solve the biggest problem (limited light) of a single hole, but also captures depth information and you can use it for 3d reconstruction, refocusing etc. One final bit, with a warning of a deep rabbit hole: That “infinitely many overlaps” I was talking about happens with lenses too and is essentially a convolution where you convolve the image with itself (actually many different perspectives of itself if I am correct). Which is just the Fourier transform.

Formal Reasoning About Programs

This is the web site for the early stages of a book introducing both machine-checked proof with the Coq proof assistant and approaches to formal reasoning about program correctness.

CS 6120: The Self-Guided Course

Interesting links:

Quantilizers: AI That Doesn’t Try Too Hard

Reading the Greats

Looks fun, I’m contemplating participating.
